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411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

Virtual Security Officer

Organizations need experts to run an efficient security program, however experts are expensive and many organizations do not need a full time employee for this role. At Stern Security, we have a dedicated set of Chief Security Officers with many years of experience in organizations including complicated regulatory environments such as healthcare. As your virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO), our team will develop and run your security program.

Healthcare organizations can list the assigned Stern Security vCISO as their “Assigned Security Responsibility” as addressed in HIPAA Compliance Part No. §164.308(a)(2).

Our seasoned vCISO can also help groom your data security manager as they grow into a CISO role. All vCISO offerings have the full support of additional Stern Security’s staff as needed.

November 26, 2020