Promotional Content


Sometimes the best way to highlight an amazing product like Velocity is through commercials. Our team at Stern Security have made commercials to show the advantages of using Velocity to perform internal and third-party risk assessments. The actors in these commercials are members of our team, our colleagues, and our friends, which gives a glimpse into our company’s creative culture.

Reducing Risk

Velocity reduces the risk of a successful cyber-attack by showing companies their areas of risk and providing a prioritized list of action items. View information on the cyber landscape and what Velocity can do in this informative and slightly humorous commercial.

Real Husbands of RTP

Our team collaborated with some of our professional colleagues to create this humorous commercial series. See how “real” cyber professionals discuss Velocity insights, third-party risk management (TPRM), and more. The Research Triangle Park (RTP) in North Carolina is where our company is headquartered.

Accuracy over Quantity

At Stern Security, we created Velocity because we an efficient and accurate third-party risk solution did not exist on the market. With Velocity, the product and our analysts review evidence to confirm the validity of third-party data in order to confirm the accuracy of the information. Our customers receive a final report that they know is accurate and they do not have to spend time reviewing any third-party evidence because our team does that as part of the product. This humorous commercial shows the sharp contract between Velocity and competing products that don’t verify any data. Velocity is truly unique in its accuracy!

Spreadsheets Anonymous

This is the series that started it all. As practitioners, we have all performed third-party risk assessments with spreadsheet questionnaires and risk ratings. We have also downloaded a security framework such as the CISv8 or CMMC and carefully plotted out our company’s adherence to these controls on a static spreadsheet 😬. We all know how inefficient this process is, but companies still perform this unnecessary manual work until they discover Velocity. If you have ever tried the inefficient manual approach, then these commercials are for you 😊

Velocity Makes You Look Good

At the end of the day, everyone wants to do their job well and work in the most efficient way possible. We know how time consuming the internal and third-party risk assessment process is. Velocity greatly speeds up this process and makes you look like a superstar to your team. We created a series of commercials to show how Velocity makes you look good 😎

Cybersecurity Call to Arms

The success of the cybersecurity industry is critical to the stability of our world. All of us need to come together to secure the planet. There are important steps that everyone can perform to stay safe online and secure their personal accounts in addition to protecting the companies they work for. This is our cybersecurity public service announcement.