Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Simulate real world attacks to test your defenses and fix issues

In our Penetration Testing services, we simulate real world attacks to test your defenses and fix issues before intruders find them.  Our team helps increase your organization’s security posture by performing retests to ensure the discovered vulnerabilities are mitigated.  Not only will we deliver a comprehensive report at the end of the engagement, but we also create video presentations of the results!

Our highly trained team knows how to perform real attacks.  We have numerous “ethical hacking” and “penetration testing” certifications and have won professional ethical hacking competitions.  We not only perform the work, but we teach the classes on it.  Our CEO, Jon Sternstein, is the co-author of “Security Penetration Testing (The Art of Hacking Series) LiveLessons” published by Cisco Press.  Our team members are also listed contributors to the MITRE ATT&CK Framework.

Stern Security’s Penetration Testing service includes several options

Full Network Penetration Testing

Full Network Penetration Testing

Our team will perform a comprehensive penetration test of your internal and external networks. We will utilize the Penetration Execution Standard methodology in addition to our own tactics to conduct our review.

Social Engineering

Social Engineering

Your employees are usually the first targets in an attack and must be trained in order to learn how to discover attacks. Our Social Engineering services test security awareness of your employees by phishing, service desk calls, and more!

Web Application

Web Application

Your websites are public and constantly under attack by adversaries on the internet. Let’s find the vulnerabilities before they do! Our team utilizes the OWASP methodology for analyzing web applications.

Mobile Application

Mobile Application

Testing your mobile applications is essential to protecting your customer information on their iOS and Android devices. Our team will perform a deep analysis on the mobile application and it’s communication with the server environment.

Physical Penetration Test

Physical Penetration Test

Physical security is a must in order to protect your assets in the office. In this offering, we’ll attempt to bypass physical controls such as door locks, badge access, and more. Our team can create video recordings of the attacks to display in a final presentation.

MITRE ATT&CK Threat Emulation

MITRE ATT&CK Threat Emulation

Stern Security can work with your organization in a purple team engagement emulating an adversary. Our team will choose a known threat actor that targets your industry. The MITRE ATT&CK framework will be used to map and categorize the attack vectors. Stern Security will perform each attack in close coordination with your team to see which attacks are successful and discover potential gaps in the organization. Your organization can use the results of this examination to see how the organization would stand up to a known threat group!

We trust Stern Security enough to stake our reputation with our community on their ability to deliver high quality service. Stern Security has always delivered for our community, and for our company.”


CISO, Internet Service Provider (ISP)

Stern Security’s penetration testing services have found higher risk and more relevant vulnerabilities in our environment than other service providers, sometimes even when the other providers were performing assessments at the same time. The Stern Security team members I have worked with have all brought a thorough understanding of security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, attack techniques, potential impact of compromises, and remediation guidance for reported findings.”


VP, Information Security, Financial Company

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