Break Down Silos & Secure the Planet

2022 Triangle InfoSeCon Presentation - Break Down Silos & Secure the Planet

by | Sep 9, 2022 | Publications, Strategy

The 2022 Triangle InfoSeCon event hosted by Raleigh’s ISSA was on September 9th, 2022. To a full crowd, Stern Security‘s Founder & CEO, Jon Sternstein, gave a presentation titled: “Break Down Silos & Secure the Planet”.

The presentation abstract was the following:

People tend to cluster in their own silos and tribes in both society and within companies.  We have seen the dangers of lack of communication between individuals with different viewpoints play out between nations, states, politics, and more.  This siloed mindset also occurs within companies and industries and can lead to massive cybersecurity issues. 
This presentation will discuss the importance of breaking down silos.  Technical stories will be shared of large security vulnerabilities that we have discovered that would have been prevented if the company’s employees and contractors did not operate in silos.  We’ll also discuss some hacks to break out of your own silos, hack impostor syndrome, infiltrate executive ranks, and secure the planet.

Jon Sternstein’s presentation was an important lesson on working together to secure companies and to have a stronger society. Secure the Planet!