Protect Your iCloud Account with Two-step Verification

Protect Your iCloud Account with Two-step Verification

All Apple users need to enable two-step verification on their iCloud accounts if they have not already.  This protects your account by confirming your identity through a text message in addition to your password.  So even if someone steals your password, they would need to steal your phone as well to get into your iCloud account.

Apple has released easy to follow instructions on enabling this feature on your account:  Enabling this feature is very important because with access to someone’s iCloud account, an attacker can read a person’s text messages, emails, view photos, and remotely erase their devices.

This is the same concept as our previous article about protecting your email account with two-factor authentication:

We’re sure that you look good, but we still don’t want to see your iCloud pictures on the internet 🙂  So please enable two-step verification on your iCloud account.