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The difference between red, blue, and purple teams in cybersecurity

Red Team vs Blue Team vs Purple Team Cybersecurity Roles

A well-run cybersecurity team operates like a beautiful orchestra, each individual knowing their part and contributing to the same goal.  A cybersecurity team may consist of team members wearing numerous hats ranging from management, to defensive, and offensive security.  The offensive team members will attack their own organization to find vulnerabilities so the other teams […]

Authenticated vs Unauthenticated Vulnerability Scanning

Authenticated vs Unauthenticated Vulnerability Scanning

Introduction Not all vulnerability scans are created equal. The configuration of a vulnerability scan makes an enormous impact on your results. Authenticated vulnerability scans will provide much greater insight into an organization’s security posture than unauthenticated scans. However, there is a place for unauthenticated vulnerability scans. This article discusses the differences between authenticated and unauthenticated […]

Top 10 Tips to Staying Safe Online

Top Tips to Stay Safe Online

Background Technology has dramatically changed almost all aspects of human life, giving us amazing communication ability, a healthcare revolution, financial opportunities, and safe energy, all growing at exponential rates. These benefits become risks if the technology is not made secure. At Stern Security, our mission is to secure the planet, business by business, industry by […]

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