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The difference between red, blue, and purple teams in cybersecurity

Red Team vs Blue Team vs Purple Team Cybersecurity Roles

A well-run cybersecurity team operates like a beautiful orchestra, each individual knowing their part and contributing to the same goal.  A cybersecurity team may consist of team members wearing numerous hats ranging from management, to defensive, and offensive security.  The offensive team members will attack their own organization to find vulnerabilities so the other teams […]

Research Publications
2023 Velocity Healthcare Data Breach Report

2023 Velocity Healthcare Data Breach Report

In its second annual Velocity healthcare data breach report, Stern Security has critically analyzed over 5,000 data breaches since the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began tracking the information in 2009. Stern Security utilized data from their HealthcareBreaches.com website as well as published information from HHS to create this comprehensive study. Stern Security […]

Cybersecurity Frameworks
Security Frameworks with MFA

Security Frameworks with 2-factor Authentication

Keeping up with Two-Factor Authentication Day (2/2/23), we decided to showcase some cybersecurity and compliance frameworks that recommend 2-factor authentication controls.  The frameworks we reviewed include: Cybersecurity Framework References The multi-factor authentication controls within these frameworks are listed in the chart below. Framework Reference Control FFIEC CAT D3.PC.Am.B.9 Customer access to Internet-based products or services […]